Happy New Years Everyone,

I hope you guys are having a great holiday season and, are looking forward to 2017. Today I am going to share with you 16 things I have learned in the course of 2016.  Even though, 2016 wasn’t a great year for me, I like to say that I have fully learned some important life lessons, that I now remind myself about on the daily.  So I hope you enjoy this little blog about my year, while looking through some of my favorite pictures from this year.

Relationships Are A Fifty/Fifty Game,

This might seem like an obvious one but, I didn’t really think about this until recently. This year I have hit some hard times with friendships, family, and relationships in general. I felt as though I was doing all the work. And that I was trying to live the relationship without the other person. I learned that not all relationships had to be perfect and I didn’t need to be besties with someone I just met. I learned that the other person wasn’t fully involved in the time we had together it wasn’t really worth my time. Of course developing friendships etc. are very important but, I felt as if I went on 100 percent in the beginning  it would flop instantly. Sometimes matching the other persons effort is the best thing to do. I can not force someone into something that I want and not them. This has been something I have really thought about over the course of the year and have now realized that yes it is important to show my true colors but, I as a person I can not make something that is 0 into 100.screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-10-23-17-pm

You Don’t Have To Be Close To Be Close, 

I have met some amazing people during 2016. Many of these people live overseas. As someone who loves traveling and meeting new people, becoming friends with people from around the world is one of the most rewording things. Many don’t understand the concept.                                        “How can you be best friends with someone you’ve only spent one day with?” they would simply ask.                                                                                         It’s an interesting question actually. I have met so many people that have really become good friends with online. Sure, we met in person once or twice, maybe talked but, it’s really being able to connect with people. Somehow i have been able to talk with people that live thousands of miles away on a daily basis. Even though, time zones and other annoying things, I have become great friends with people using iMessage, Facetime, and other applications on my phone. Their perspective on life is new, different. They have a totally different background. And as someone that loves connecting with several cultures this has been a main point in my life. It may seem sad but, relationships are not all about how close you are to one another and, I have proven that claim right with meeting some of the most interesting unique people that live a long way away from me.screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-10-23-32-pm


I have always been someone that loves to spend time alone but, another trait about me is I hate to miss out on experiences. And as these to qualities seem to never work together. This year I have learned that it is important to  balance both of these everyday. To never avoid one or the other. Sometimes it’s better for me to miss out on one thing to just rest my mind alone but, then again I need to be social and have conversations so I remember to do both.

Quality Over Quantity, 

Again this is a common phrase that many use around us but, I haven’t really taken it in until this year. I always believed it is important to have strong relationships over many. Although, this has always been a common factor to making friends etc. I have always had a pleasing to having many of something. This year I have discovered that having people that I trust and am inspired by around me is more important that having a large group of  acquaintance. Of course I enjoy spending time with people I do not know well as that is a opportunity to make more friends and learn about other people, I still like to remind myself that having 100 friends isn’t the goal in life.

Kindness Over Popularity, 

screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-10-24-06-pmAs I approached the teenage stages of my life this has always been in the back of my head. I like to become friends with totally different backgrounds and goals. This has always been interesting to me. I constantly get remarks about who I choose to be friends with. Which quite frankly I think is immature. Because of my interest in discovering new cultures I tend to reach out to people that I have never really talked to before. And I realize how interesting they really are. So instead of following the pack I like to spread my wings and share my story with people totally different to me.

Do Things You Fear,screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-10-24-29-pm

As much as I love to travel and meet new people, one of my biggest fears is flying. Even though, I have experience in flying I still get anxious of the thought. Some points I felt like I didn’t want  to leave my home because of my fear. I haven’t yet over come my fear but, this year I have learned to control it and to not miss out on opportunities because of it.

Love Is Deeper Than Skin, 

I have recently discovered that everything is really deeper than skin. Although, I have met many real truthful people I have ran into many who are the complete opposite. This year was full of those people and, as much as I try to brush it off it is hard. I am to naive and gullible that I don’t realize until I get hurt. These past few months I have come to a realization that no matter what, friendship comes from the inside not outside. No matter how kind hearted someone looks they could be the most rudest person alive. With this 2k16 have been a year that I have really based my friendships on the person, not the way they look.screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-10-21-39-pm

Rest Rest Rest, 

I like to think I prefer to get things done then let them sit there. Although, I do have to say I try to ovoid things like cleaning all the time. I have always enjoyed taking time off but, this year I have really learned the importance of sleep and rest. On days I go full on it really makes a difference when I just take five or so minutes to do something like lay down or read. 2016 has really been a year were I have noticed my body. As I am constantly growing and changing my body has really realized that I need the extra rest time.

Stay True To Myself, 

With the media being such a big part of my everyday life I often have doubt about the way I look or my personal taste. Sometimes it’s really hard to remember who I am. Last year has been a total awakening. I’m sure I am not the only one who has felt unusual or weird around all these people that look and act the same or quite similar. Last year I had gone through a rough time with finding my real self and what I like and aspire to be. As someone who is sensitive getting left out has always been something that hit me hard. Last year I came to the conclusion that sometimes staying out of the group is the best choice after all.screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-10-25-44-pm

The Importance Of Letting Go,

Have you ever hard something that was so loving and good but you knew was bad for you. I bumped into some of those last year. I believe that I have fully learned the importance of letting go. I have learned that although something may seem good, living without it may be the best choice. And letting go feels difficult at first after it’s done I felt so relieved. Like I had just had a huge weight lifted over my back. And as cheesy as it sounds sometimes letting go is the way to go.

No One Is Perfect, 

screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-10-22-29-pmMuch like I said in the “Stay true to myself” I find that most females are affected by the media and the ideal women image. And as much as I am inspired by many celebrities 2016 has been a big year of realizing that no one is perfect and neither am I. Although this phrase has been one that has been used for many years it has been tossed out for many more. Because of the media people are hooked on trying to look like girl A or B. What we need to realize and believe is that what’s on the internet is only a small fraction of peoples lives. And with all this different apps and things it is easy to create one totally unlike yours.

Sometimes Removing Myself Is The Best Option, 

dscn9564This motto has been used many times in my family. Over the 365 days i have experienced much drama from people around me. Being around many teenaged girls, like myself, it is easy to randomly be apart of something you should be. This year I have been sucked into that and this phrase has helped me live life without drama.

Making Mistakes Is Important,

I’m sure you’ve seen this saying in a school or on a card but, have you really understood the meaning? I have made many mistakes over 2016 and would always be negative about it. After the many trial and error I have learned the honest reason why us humans make mistakes. All the mistakes I’ve made have gave me a positive push to the future. After every mistake I make I learn something new and, I think that is a very important thing, I need to grow.screen-shot-2017-01-09-at-8-36-12-pm

Everything Happens For A Reason, 

Again this is a very commonly used inspirational quote. I have to say in most positions I am quite a negative person. Last year one of my goals was to have a more positive view in life and, this has really helped me look up and forward. I have a theory that life is really what you imagine it to be and, the more positively you and I think the better it would seem. And although, mistakes and mishaps suck they all happen for you, for your growth, and mind.

Everything Will Be Okay, 

Like I said in the last sentence I believe that life turns out the way you think it will. And if you progressively continue to tell yourself the future is bright then that might be the case. Obviously we can not control the universe but, I think that the small fraction of  what we control is psychological. So maybe if we trick our little minds they will start believing.screen-shot-2017-01-09-at-8-37-10-pm

This World Is Screwed Up, 

Now I know this isn’t as happy-joly as the other fifteen but trust me I have learned well. You have to admit that 2016 was not the greatest for most of us.  And I think this lump was a great opportunity for each and everyone of us to learn from.

screen-shot-2017-01-09-at-8-36-52-pmConsidering there was quiet a few of  bumps in the road I do have to say I’ve learned a lot of things.  And I hope 2016 was just as eventful for you as it was for me. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have an amazing year.